MADE arhitekti

Timber kindergarten in Salaspils, LV, 2018 ─ 2024

Adaptability and multi ─ functionality are the initial intention for the building. The building has space for 12 classes grouped in pairs. Each of the two groups is provided with a separate entrance from the outside with its own entrance hall. A decentralized access system ensures convenient daily logistics, especially during the active drop─off and pick─up hours. In the middle of the building there is multi use spacious "living room" and the center of the building.

The constructions and solutions shown in the building are MADE architects' answer to the challenges of current construction practice: how to build economically, in a way that is good for the planet and safe for people. Excellent energy efficiency (14 kWh/m2a) with room comfort according to the Passive House standard. Load─bearing wooden structure and wooden finishes ─ the building's CO2 footprint is significantly lower, in line with future European climate goals. Indoor materials are harmless, with low emissions of volatile organic compounds and no toxic ingredients.

photograpghy by Ansis Starks


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